Beauty ~ Soul ~ RocknRoll

Saturday, February 13, 2010

For the Rockstar in you...Wear your minis all Year Long!

The coolest way to turn Your Choos into Boots ...  Rock the SH*T out of them with some stretch leather Thigh Highs from Bootzwalla!

Give your fabulous shoes their very own accessory.  Turn those platform sandals or pumps into Rockin Boots, Stillettos and Short Boots into SEXY Thigh Highs and those Strappy Sandals a warm and fuzzy feeling.

These are the perfect accessory for your mini skirts, dresses, short shorts, leggings, jeans, tunics, blazers, everything.

OK ... so I had to give Bootzwalla a shout out. I actually own 2 pairs of these Bad Boys. 
My first pair were the fuzzy ones... Then I caved for the leather. These are so Badass and have been featured in So You Think You Can Dance,  Full Frontal Fashion, The New York Times, The New York Post, Star Magazine, US, Glamour and Vanity Fair. 
I love them!!