Beauty ~ Soul ~ RocknRoll

Friday, March 26, 2010

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Harmless and innocent you devil in white 
You stole my will without a fight 
You filled me with confidence, but you blinded my eyes 
You tricked me with visions of paradise 
Now I realize i'm 
Snowblind, can't live without you 

"Born from a desire to create artifacts out of our vices, Cast Of Vices celebrates the inherent design aesthetic of these substances while at the same time casting a critical eye on pop culture and our obsession with self-medication and addiction."

Brilliant Jewelry!

Lyrics Styx

Song Snowblind

Images Cast of Vices


  1. Very cool necklaces. Last one is the perfect gift for friends who want to quit smoking! (or who love their ciggies so much they want one around the neck...)

  2. UNiQuE NecKLaCe!
    i LOVe tHe LaSt NecKLaCe..
    iT'S LiKe CiGaR RigHt?!CoOL.
